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The Difficulties of Entering Tech vs. The Stride Approach

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So you’ve decided to change your career path and want to enter the tech industry. The benefits of doing so are numerous; more opportunities, a career in which you can truly progress, obtaining marketable skill sets, and of course, a high paying job.

Entering tech can be a daunting challenge. This is due to the vastness of the industry, the myriad roles available, and also because of the confusing information (and misinformation) that you’ll find. What do you need to know to get a job? Do you need to be able to code? If so, in what language? Do you need certificates? Which ones? What should you have on your resume? Questions like these and more haunt you with no answer in sight. So the next obvious step is to start doing research, which leads to the next problem.

Online research is a rabbit hole of misinformation. You’ll find that online sources can’t agree on what skills you need, how you should prepare, and most importantly; what you really need to do to actually land that job in tech. Many online programs may provide some information, but they don’t explain exactly how that information is relevant to you getting a job. Other places provide pre-recorded videos which leave you frustrated due to the lack of guidance and feedback. Leaving you with a sense of confusion and feeling lost. Much of the advice is generic with no method of how you, in particular, should apply that knowledge. And lastly, there is a lack of showcasing real world application to what you’re learning, causing a gap in how to convert what you learn to you starting your career.

Stride is the solution to the myriad problems you face while entering tech. Our instructors offer live courses, not pre-recordings that don’t engage with you on an individual level. Furthermore, we believe in true mentorship. This means we take the time to understand your background, your strengths, and your weaknesses. We use this information to create a plan for you that tackles your weaknesses and builds on your strengths.

Furthermore, Stride programs are based in on-the-grounds reality.  This means you aren’t just learning theory with a vague idea of how it connects to your career. Instead, the entire program is dedicated to getting you started on your career journey. The knowledge we teach is based on the consulting experience Stride instructors bring, and the curriculum is devised based on the decades plus work of professional development that we have. You can rest assured knowing that what you’re learning is directly tied to what’s in demand in the job market.

Our record speaks for itself. Not only are Stride grads competitive in the job market, but they quickly outperform their peers. Most of our grads don’t just have a career start, they outperform and out earn their peers. Stride grads have career trajectories that see them becoming managers, establishing ways of working for their company at the department level, and find their work becoming the standard for other employees to follow. We don’t simply train them to get a job, we train them to be leaders in the industry.

When you join Stride, you join a program that is dedicated to providing you real, live mentorship and education aimed solely on successfully starting your career in tech. We do this by creating programs based on the demands of the job market and provide real feedback to ensure you are growing and learning properly. This results in our grads becoming leaders in their teams, departments, and companies. 

Considering a business analyst career path? Schedule your call now and talk to our experts or register to know more about Stride.

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